During the week of August, several Graduate Center offices will be offering workshops that can help faculty members prepare for the Fall 2020 Semester.
From the Teaching and Learning Center
Teaching with the CUNY Academic Commons
Facilitator: Laurie Hurson
The CUNY Academic Commons, a WordPress teaching and learning platform based at the Graduate Center, is being used by faculty in a variety of graduate and undergraduate courses across CUNY. This workshop series will introduce the CUNY Academic Commons and go over the basics of teaching on the CUNY Commons. Workshop attendees will be introduced to several course models, and will have access to guidance and materials for getting a course up and running. Ideas for asynchronous assignments and final projects will also be shared.
Introduction to the CUNY Academic Commons
- Monday, August 17th, 2:00-3:30 pm
- RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/introduction-to-the-cuny-academic-commons-tickets-115761159745
Building Your Course Site on the CUNY Academic Commons
- Wednesday, August 19th, 2:00-3:30 pm
- RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/building-your-course-site-on-the-cuny-academic-commons-tickets-115763817695
Running a Fully Online Course on the CUNY Academic Commons
- Friday, August 21st, 2:00-3:30 pm
- RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/running-a-fully-online-course-on-the-cuny-academic-commons-tickets-115764646173
Cultivating Participation and Engagement on Zoom
This session will orient faculty members to the various functionalities available in Zoom to facilitate synchronous class discussions, including breakout rooms, chat, screensharing, polling, and more.
Facilitator: Laurie Hurson & Luke Waltzer
Date: Thursday, August 20
Time: 12:30-2:00 pm
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cultivating-participation-and-engagement-on-zoom-tickets-115765079469
Workshop Reprise – 2nd Offering
Date: Wednesday, August 26th
Time: 2:00-3:30 pm
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cultivating-participation-and-engagement-on-zoom-2nd-offering-tickets-117987767589
From Graduate Center’s Digital Initiatives and Digital Scholarship Lab
Introduction to Manifold
This workshop will introduce the CUNY installation of Manifold, a free, collaborative, open-source platform for creating and teaching with dynamic digital texts. In this session attendees will be introduced to the fundamentals of Manifold: creating a project, adding supplementary resources (audio, video, and image files), social annotation tools, and reading groups. Please visit the Manifold Home page, click on ‘SIGN UP’ to create a Manifold account before attending this workshop.
Facilitator: Robin Miller
Date: Tuesday, August 18th
Time: 2:00-3:00 pm
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/introduction-to-manifold-tickets-115765845761
Teaching with Manifold
This workshop builds on the Introduction to Manifold workshop. In this session attendees will hear from fellow CUNY faculty that have created Manifold projects for use in their classrooms and learn more about teaching with Manifold reading groups and social annotation. Please visit the Manifold Home page, click on ‘SIGN UP’ to create a Manifold account before attending this workshop.
Facilitator: Robin Miller
Date: Thursday, August 20th
Time: 2:00-3:00 pm
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teaching-with-manifold-tickets-115766016271
Teaching with Omeka
Omeka is a free Content Management System (CMS) and a web publishing system that allows users to describe items according to archival standards. Through this workshop, we are going to explore different ways to use Omeka in the classroom, with a focus on its pedagogical and public-facing capacities. Please, be sure to follow this asynchronous workshop before our meeting. For the full asynchronous workshop (to be completed beforehand), click here.
Facilitator: Stefano Morello
Date: Tuesday, August 18th
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teaching-with-omeka-tickets-115766256991
Teaching with Hypothesis
For this workshop, we will explore Hypothes.is, a versatile digital annotation tool for social reading online. Throughout the workshop, we review the various options for deploying Hypothes.is on a web browser. By introducing participants to the different options of using this tool, the workshop empowers them to remain flexible in adapting to student needs and technological contexts. Participants will leave this workshop with concrete skills for using digital annotation and ideas for how it can enhance their own goals for the classroom. For the full asynchronous workshop (to be completed beforehand), click here.
Facilitator: Filipa Calado
Date: Wednesday, August 19th
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teaching-with-hypothesis-tickets-115766353279
Data Privacy and Ethics of Remote Learning
Responding to the public health crisis caused by the Coronavirus continues to reshape what it means to teach in higher education. This fall, courses will continue to be held online, and it is important to consider what digital platforms and tools we would like to use to teach in an online setting. Doing so responsibly means taking into consideration what the implications are for selecting each tool and challenging ourselves to prioritize using platforms that help keep student data private and safe. This asynchronous go-at-your-own-pace workshop considers the pressing ethical and privacy questions that teachers should consider as they begin to move their courses online.
Developer: Di Yoong
Asynchronous Workshop Link: https://digitalfellows.commons.gc.cuny.edu/data-privacy-and-ethics-of-remote-learning/
From the PublicsLab
Video Production for Online Teaching
Facilitator: Mike Mena
Date: August 18, 19, and 20
Time: 11:00 – 12:30 via Zoom
- Reviewing the most popular video formats (Where do I sit? Should I use text on screen? Should I use PowerPoint?)
- The importance of camera angles (best placement for your laptop/phone for recording lectures)
- Designing your background for video (Should I sit in front of a blank wall? Or, should I decorate my background?)
- Top three things to prioritize
Community Feedback Sessions – 19 & 20 August 2020
During these community feedback sessions, Mike Mena will be providing constructive feedback on short 2-3 minute videos created by a handful of instructors/faculty. The goal is to provide a platform for the community to participate in these discussions in addition to Mike’s expert insights.
If you are interested in submitting a video for critique in a kind and supportive environment, please contact PublicsLab Director Stacy Hartman at [email protected].
From the Mina Rees Library
In this workshop, we’ll explore the many features of the Library – how to access Ebooks, articles, journals and more! An overview of Inter Library Loan (ILL), OER support, and other services will be offered.
Date: Monday, August 17th
Time: 2:00 pm
RSVP: https://gc-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAsc-quqj4pHNG0PekL2Dh4p-hc89ylaMXH
In this workshop, we’ll explore the many features of the Library – how to access Ebooks, articles, journals and more! An overview of Inter Library Loan (ILL), OER support, and other services will be offered.
Date: Wednesday, August 19th
Time: 2:00 pm
RSVP: https://gc-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tfu6tqjwtGdcVK4gU119mL4Pc2pGX46Qs
If you’re having trouble finding free, open resources that you can integrate into an online course – this workshop is for you! We’ll cover the basics on where to search, and provide individualized, hands-on assistance in locating electronic materials for your subject area.
This workshop is open to GC students and faculty, and will be useful for your remote resource needs, and for teaching in Fall 2020.
Date: Thursday, August 20th
Time: 2:00 pm
RSVP: https://gc-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtcO-sqzorGNNs1u_lt1wgOD6ol33kD4Um
Alison Macrina will be in conversation with Emily Drabinski about her technological privacy-related work with the Library Freedom Project and anti-surveillance strategies. (Please note that this event is now at 4:00 pm EST)
Date: Thursday, August 20th
Time: 4:00 pm
RSVP: https://library.gc.cuny.edu/event/mina-rees-conversation-series-alison-macrina/
From The Graduate Center IT Services
If you are teaching this Fall, the Blackboard learning management system is available. Blackboard is used to create and deliver your online class directly to your students. Graduate Center IT we invites faculty to their Fall 2020 Blackboard workshops during the week of August 17, 2020 to become familiar with this platform or to refresh your skills.
Blackboard Basics
- Monday, August 17, 11:00-12:00 pm ET
- RSVP Link: https://gc-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJckd-iprTsvG9Sz38mY7DgkVc0VaZP1Ck3s [gc-cuny.zoom.us]
Assessment And Assignment In Blackboard (New – Bb Annotate)
- Tuesday, August 18, 11:00-12:00 pm ET
- Hosted by Monica Hill from Blackboard
- RSVP Link: Creating Test in Bb Learn and Intro to Bb Annotate [us.bbcollab.com] https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/4a8b95ca42de4f4e9dc3d050ee5073c2 [us.bbcollab.com]).
Blackboard Beyond The Basics
- Wednesday, August 19, 11:00-12:00 pm ET
- RSVP link: https://gc-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAlduCqrz8sHta4TmjChnZRH2KPCj_oex6p [gc-cuny.zoom.us]
Using Blackboard As A Student
- Thursday, August 20 at 11-12:00 pm ET
- RSVP Link: https://gc-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJckceCrpj4rHtK5ps6rC-0miDl8ke_a0zDb [gc-cuny.zoom.us]