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Accessibility & Captioning

Provided by Clare Wilson ([email protected]), Manager of Student Disability Services in the Graduate Center’s Student Disability Services Office




Google Meet

Microsoft Teams


Otter does live transcription in Zoom but it not yet integrated in other platforms (though it can still transcribe from the computer speakers). Likelye one of the most affordable options, currently user account-based ($240/year/user).


Verbit (link) has live captioning services designed for distance learning and ease of scheduling.

Office 365

CUNY faculty and staff have access to Office 365; you login with your CUNYFirst username (firstname.lastname##@login.cuny.edu) and CUNYFirst password.

  • If you will be using live videos instead of recorded videos, Office 365 has a built-in live captioning feature if you use PowerPoint. After clicking on PowerPoint, you can start a new presentation or upload a presentation you already have. After it opens, click on slide show, and click on “always use subtitles”. You can choose to have the captions appear below or above the slide, and have your captions translated to another language by choosing a different subtitle language.
  • A downside to using the built-in live captioning with Office 365 is that the captions only appear in the PowerPoint you are presenting, and no other files or browser windows during your lecture. If you are just going to be lecturing in your live video, then this will be a great tool.